Privacy and Impressum

Privacy Policy
During your visit to our website, some personal data collected on this site, with your permission, notably through electronic contact forms are for the exclusive use of Your personal data during its collection and processing important and the all information are confidential with our clients and protected. Read the policies on data that are collected during your visit to the website and how it is used.

Collecting Electronic information
FM Media’s website mechanism creates a file on the server end system. The service generally used to system information process and for the statistics purpose. The data is recorded as, access log, IP address, user Operating systems, Language, hardware information and Internet service provider.

Electronic requesting
By accessing electronic contact form, avail a free trial on phone option; your personal data such as email address, personal query, and company info are stored. Your personal and company data are only for the purpose to use for company’s marketing policy, customer query and demand, email marketing. FM Media ensure to the customer, visitor their electronic data remain safe and highly protection.

Google Analytics, Web analytics uses the goggle analytic service for the web analysis. As per Google’s policy it is auto generated and stored some cache files on the user systems. The general data collections and storage process are always used for Google’s web research and analysis.

Online record
Your personal info (Name, Email), company info will automatically be stored during an online chat. According to the Internet Data Privacy Act, FM Media use a third party online chat systems.

According to the internets right to information act FM Media is always bound to delete the record and personal information of any customer, client and visitor. If you have any query on this issue please email info(a) or use our Contact Us page.

Security Advice
FM Digital Media Imaging Solutions always trying hard to store the user’s data in a safe electronic location. And it is never be accessible to the any other third parties. It is prohibited to send your confidential information via email.